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In December, 1995 I wrote...

My major is Biochemistry at Western Kentucky University, which will hopefully get me into a pre-med program somewhere. Of course, it probably won't, because I spend way too much of my sparse free time on my computer doing silly stuff like this, and not enough doing productive things like volunteering at the local hospital to clean up spilled urine and other such things.

Update - March, 1997:

I should have paid more attention to all that time I spent on the computer. Instead of going into medicine, I made a last minute course correction and have been offered a position by General Electric Appliances in Louisville, Kentucky in the Information Management Leadership Program (IMLP). Imagine that, a biochemist in Information Technology! Truth is stranger than fiction!

Here are some facts you should know about being a Biochemistry major who is hoping to go pre-med:

This is a picture of one half of our illustrious science complex, Thompson Complex North Wing (TCNW). The air conditioning doesn't work as well as it does in the Thompson Complex Central Wing (TCCW). It's also rather old, as you can tell from the 1950's architecture. Pay careful notice to the tree leaning against the building in the background and the tree in the foreground leaning far to the left.

Here is a picture of Snell Hall, a lovely building once used for classes, but that has unfortunately been put into disuse. One who attends Western learns to appreciate the reverse logic the University employs in its administrative functions. This is one such example: the University considers demolishing the attractive Snell Hall, but keeps the dilapidated Thompson Complex North Wing with bad air conditioning in operation. In the background you can see Thompson Complex Central Wing.

I'm tired of talking about my major, because it's all I ever think about, anyway. I'm tired of talking about the way Western runs things, because it frustrates me to the point of burning an ulcer into my gut.

Go home.
